First of all, thank you for watching today's tweet. The product introduced today is mainly a drum lid seal, which can also be called a waterproof cover. Next, I will introduce this product to you based on the design and production of our company.
We are a company specializing in 55 gallon drum packaging materials located in Hangzhou, Zhejiang, China. We adhere to the strategy of developing our business with the domestic market as the main body and the foreign market as the supplement. As one of the leading drum cap seal manufacturers in China, Chongyi has its own factory and research and development department, and has a lot of experience and achievements in the design and development of drum cap seals. We can offer different types of 55 gallon drum cap seals, including metal cap seals and plastic bucket cap seals, which have a wide range of applications in real life.
Among them, the metal drum cover sealing material is mainly tinplate, which follows the international standardized standards. The advantage of the plastic lid seal is that it is manually installed on the open neck, which is easier to install than the metal lid seal, a process also known as pushing. The label seal design of the lid has a clear and uniform paint on the top and bottom, and there are two distinct lines, which usually make it easier for the user to tear the two scratch lines to open the lid. The size of the barrel cover seal is usually 2 inches and three-quarters of an inch, and can also be customized according to the needs of customers, different colors and logos, among which, the barrel cover seal is usually used together with the barrel plug, and it can be understood that if the consumer uses the barrel cover seal, he must first add a barrel plug. More details of the lid seal will be detailed in the next tweet, any partners who need to know about this product, please feel free to interrupt. Thanks again for reading.
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